Bad Girls go to Amsterdam

terça-feira, novembro 28, 2006

Mythologies... by Patricia Barber

"Mythologies is a song cycle based on Greek mythology, which uses characters from The Metamorphoses of Ovid as the basis for each of the 11 songs, giving these timeless stories a uniquely contemporary and compelling musical setting."

A voice that wispered magical things
a guitar that takes you to another place
and drumbs completely crazy amazed me.

Patricia Barber created a new environment at the Bimhuis. A concert of 1h30m and no one notested the time pass... I wanted more!!!

to listen a little bit:

Museum Nacht

A noite estava gelada, mas nem único pingo se viu ou se sentiu durante aquelas horas extesiantes de plena descoberta e fantasia...
Foram concertos, foram jogos ciêntificos, foram provas gostativas... foi uma corrida desenfreada para tentar ver o maior número possível de museus numa noite!
Pairava no ar uma névoa mística... e Amesterdão era uma outra cidade. Parecia que alguma força divina tinha adivinhado a importância daquelas horas nocturnas e alterou o cenário... mágico!

quarta-feira, novembro 08, 2006

the Neighbour

Well, after talking for so long and so much I think it's time to show to all of you who my neighbour is and explain this strange character.
Me and Rosane met J.M. (as he likes being called) when we were trying to put my mattress inside the apartment. As you can imagine that was a very difficult task: the stairs, the doors, everything is too small, to let pass a bed. But for Jan that was a very easy task... However the first impression that me and Rosane had wasn't very good: for us, he was quite a cold person, who didn't want to talk much and liked keeping a certain distance... a typical Dutch :D
That all changed, when we saw him for the second time: his car was stolen and he was completely crazy!!!
Of course, the perception we had in the beginning was changing every time we went out with Jan... He's one of the cleverest persons I know and it's quit interesting to have a discussion about religion with this guy, or any other subject. In addition, he is a person with strange hobbies. For example: how can a doctor be a poker professional?! And with this question I mean how can a scientific person like him depends on luck?! And if you look at the picture, you will see a very strange scarf... well, let’s just say that he is a compulsive consumer!!!
Besides this peculiar behaviours, Jan (or "Doc" for some of us) is a great friend... he's always available to help, and his way of living amazes me... he just doesn't care about money or any other superfluous things, however he has to understand that even the most shallow person can have something interesting to say...

segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2006


Domingo de manhã... um sol magnifico, rarissimo nesta altura do ano na Holanda... Não podia ficar em casa... Tinha combinado com o Ricardo visitar uma pequena cidade num dos extremos do grande dique - Enkhuizen.
Enkuizen é um pequeno povoado caracterizado pelos artefactos tradicionais de pescadores. Foi, outrora, um dos locais mais importantes para o comércio proveniente das colónias indianas, mas começou a perder a sua importância com o desenvolvimento de Amesterdão no séc. XVIII. Em todos os canais encontravam-se redes de pescadores e em cada casa o simbolo da cidade (3 peixes).
Hoje, com apenas 1700 habitantes é uma pequena "aldeia" que ainda mantém as suas tradições e extremamente agrádavel de visitar.